Course Project: Part 4 – Aging and the Elderly

Earlier in this course, we learned stratification, along with societal perspectives on aging and the elderly. For this part of your project, you will examine the concept of aging by addressing the items listed in the Assignment Details section. Please be sure to follow the guidelines for written assignments.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.
  • To complete this assignment:
    • Review the Course Project Details.
    • Review the Written Assignment Rubric for a review of writing expectations.
    • Using the worksheet on page 2, and in a 250-word narrative, address the criteria:
    • Use Safe Assign to check your written draft against unintended plagiarism.
    • Ensure that your responses are free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:
    • SOC101h_wk10_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy
  • Submit your assignment for grading.


Gradable items in assignment Points Possible Points Earned
Described what was old when parents were growing up and why it is different now. 20  
Described how subjects defined old. 20  
Described how self-esteem in the aged can be developed. 20  
Responses adhere to writing conventions. 18  
Total Points 78  








Assignment Worksheet:

Using the responses from your Week 3 interviews, respond to each question, in at least 250 words.

  1. Refer back to the responses from your interview, specifically questions #6 and #7: What is “old” to you? How do you know when you are old? How do you feel about old people? Why?


[Enter response here.]



  1. What was old when your parents were growing up is different than it is now. Why is that?


[Enter response here.]



  1. How did your subjects define old?


[Enter response here.]




  1. What are some ways we can develop the self-esteem of the aged?


[Enter response here.]

