Law homework help. Assignment 1: Analysis of a Contract
Contracts facilitate economic activity by protecting the rights and interests of all parties engaged in economic activity. Download and examine the standard contract used by Pathways and respond to the following questions:

  • Who are the parties to the contract?
  • What is the power relationship between the parties to the contract? Is one party in a stronger position than the other?
  • What are the interests of the parties to the contract?
  • Do the terms of the contract protect the interests of all the parties?
  • Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Analyzed the contract to identify the interests of all the parties and to determine whether the interests are protected. 12
Contributed to the discussion, for example, made connections between points, drew conclusions from information presented, and suggested questions for further thought. 8
Expressed information and arguments clearly in writing and applied APA standards for editing. 4
Total: 24

Assignment 2: Draft a Contract
Pathways is developing a television program. The director of the program found a song on the Internet composed and recorded by an amateur. She would like to use the song in the program. Draft a contract between Pathways and the creator of the song. Consider the following:

  • How does Pathways want to use the song and what other requirements might it have? Make and state any assumptions you need.
  • What might the creator of the song want, besides payment?
  • On what terms might there be a difference of opinion between Pathways and the creator of the song? How would you resolve the differences?

Note that you need not use legal terminology in this draft. But clearly set out the terms in plain English.
Write a 2–3-page draft contract in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Identified the terms Pathways would want in the contract. 12
Identified the terms the creator of the song would want in the contract. 12
Identified areas of disagreement and proposed solutions. 12
Expressed information and arguments clearly in writing and applied APA standards for editing. 4
Total: 40


Law homework help