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Please answer the following 5 questions in your presentation. You will deliver a presentation on this. 

1. What impact will automation have on work?   2. What are possible scenarios for employment growth?  3. Will there be enough work in the future?   4. What will automation mean for skills and wages?  5. How do we manage the upcoming workforce transitions?


Please answer the following 5 questions in your presentation. You will deliver a presentation on this.


  1. What impact will automation have on work? 2. What are possible scenarios for employment growth?                                                                                  3. Will there be enough work in the future?                                                                                                                        4. What will automation mean for skills and wages?                                                                                                        5. How do we manage the upcoming workforce transitions?


NOTE : ( 1. Opening: Clarifies the importance of the subject to the audience and gets their attention.

  1. Overview: Previews main points of the presentation, including purpose. 2
  2. Organization Body is clearly divided into main points. 2
  3. Support: Each main point is well supported. References have been added to the last slide 2
  4. Delivery style: Shows preparation, maintains interest, reinforces main points and manages the time. 2 6. Visual aids: Well-designed for readability and interest; each supports a major topic and is labelled appropriately. 2
  5. Closing: Reinforces main points to the audience. 4
  6. Preparation: Presentation content has been carefully organized, the visual aids are well done, and the delivery leaves you with a clear understanding.