Please draft your fourth and final blog post and submit as a Word Doc/Google Doc. You will not be getting feedback before it is graded, so make sure you proofread and apply all of the skills you have learned. This blog is worth 100 points – and should demonstrate all of the writing, voice, content and visual elements we have discussed throughout this course.
To ensure you earn maximum points, please be sure to:
Write an in-depth meaningful post that offers relevant, interesting information. (10 pts)
Have two possible post titles/headlines that use keywords and conveys a benefit (please note the strategies.) (20 points)
Begins with an engaging introduction (10 pts)
Have at least two strong visuals (video, images) with usage rights for when you post it. (Please insert images in your draft or note what they will be.) (20 pts)
Has relevant links (once posted) – at least (2) two outside links, embedded into descriptive text (10 pts)
Chunk the post with engaging subheads/bullets or lists (10 pts)
Include a conclusion that encourages engagement (10 pts)
Is proofread, AP Style for numbers and dates (1-9 spelled out/dates May 17), and contains no errors (typos/errors -3-5 points each.