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Write between the given brackets the correct number of word or phrase in the passage
( ) martial status, education 
(  ) movement of people 
( ) is the greatest crisis 
(  ) availability of resources
( ) size of household. 
( 1 ) subfield of sociology 
(  ) political structure 
( ) childbearing 
( ) Malthus predictions 
( ) a decline in mortality 
( ) dynamics of population 
( ) Changes
(  ) composition
( ) have not solved 
(  ) population dynamics
( ) infectious diseases
( ) environmental degradation 
( ) the means of production 
( ) overpopulation 
(  ) racial and ethnic diversity 
( ) views poverty 
( ) the population composition 
(  ) fertility levels 
( ) with rapidly growing populations
(  ) low-income 
Demography is a (1) that examines population size, (2), and distribution which are also connected with (3) such as food, water, energy, and housing, in addition to social problems like poverty, (4), and concerns about (5). Increases or decreases in population can have a powerful impact on the social, economic, and (6) of society. Immigration is an important factor in understanding the (7) and urbanization. Migration is the (8) from one geographic area to another for the purpose of changing residency. (9) include fertility, the actual level of (10) for an individual or a whole population. Low fertility, intermediate-fertility, and high-fertility classify countries by (11). Recently, (12) has been the primary cause of world population growth. But in (13) less-developed nations, (14) remain the leading cause of death. (15) in fertility, mortality, and migration affect (16)– the biological and social characteristics of a population, including age, sex, race, (17), occupation, income, and (18). Because (19) is still a daunting problem that capitalism and technological advances thus far (20), especially in middle-and low-income nations (21) and very limited resources, demographers refer to (22). The Marxist perspective in population studies, however, (23) as a consequence of the exploitation if workers by the owners of (24). Capital shortage rather than food shortage, (25) of the day. Moreover, nations with socialist economies also have demographic trends similar to those in capitalist societies.
· Answer all questions
· Write the question and its number before your answer
· Each answer not more than a full page, not less than one-half of a page.
· Answer in double space font 12
· Failure to comply with these instructions will not allow grading your exam
Question I: Why is it important to learn about the science of demography for state managers, not simply to rely on demographers’ research?
Question 2: How would you disseminate demographic knowledge on environmental policy to new generations?
Question 3: Why would you see it necessary to convene regional and international conference with active participation of local and national expertise?
Question 4: What is the significance of a balanced fertility/morbidity/mortality rates for a healthy population?